Yogi govt’s green energy push: Solar power to fuel Lalitpur’s Bulk Drug Park

Yogi govt’s green energy push: Solar power to fuel Lalitpur’s Bulk Drug Park

Yogi government steps up effort to realize PM Modi’s vision

Lalitpur Bulk Drug Park will help achieve the goal of net zero carbon emissions

CM Yogi prioritizes clean energy in state’s major projects

Lucknow, November 6: In a commitment to environmental protection, the Yogi government is embarking on a clean energy journey for all its forthcoming major projects. To achieve this objective, the government has issued directives to create an extensive action plan for operating large-scale plants using solar energy. One such project is the Bulk Drug Park in Lalitpur, where the focus is on reducing carbon emissions by harnessing the power of solar energy. Negotiations with private companies are currently underway to bring this green energy initiative to fruition.

The Yogi government will also set up a unit of herbal medicines in the bulk drug park. For this, an MoU has been signed with a private company.

Cycle tracks will be built around the park

The Yogi government is working on a war footing to translate Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision into reality on the ground, treating it as a mission of paramount importance. To align with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ambitious target of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2070, Chief Minister Yogi has issued directives to incorporate clean energy into all major state projects.

In line with this initiative, solar energy will be harnessed for the Bulk Drug Park in Lalitpur. Moreover, the Bulk Drug Park will exclusively utilize clean energy vehicles, supported by the construction of cycle tracks and the availability of rental bicycles at various locations. To promote clean energy awareness in Lalitpur, the city will be equipped with cycle and electric vehicle stations.

The development of green belts, green pathways, and footpaths on both sides of the road will enhance the city’s environmental aesthetics. Emphasis will also be placed on the utilization of eco-friendly construction materials throughout the construction of the Bulk Drug Park.

Herbal Park will be developed for production of herbal medicines in Bulk Drug Park

The Yogi government is dedicated to transforming the state into a hub of herbal medicines. A significant emphasis has been placed on the herbal medicines unit within the Bulk Drug Park, where large-scale production and research of Ayurvedic medicines will take place. In pursuit of this goal, the government has signed MoUs with 43 laboratories affiliated with the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR). These collaborations will not only focus on research related to herbal medicines, but also strive to manufacture cost-effective medicines. Additionally, a Herbal Park will be developed within the Bulk Drug Park in Lalitpur, dedicated to the production of herbal medicines, ensuring a consistent supply of these essential remedies.

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